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Paras tapa kehittää osaamista ja pysyä mukana työelämän muutoksissa on jatkuva oppiminen. KoulutusOnlinella varmistat, että sinulla ja henkilöstölläsi on aina ajankohtaisimmat tiedot ja taidot hallussa uran eri vaiheissa. Verkkokoulutuksilla oppiminen säästää aikaa ja matkustamisen vaivan, sillä koulutuksia on helppo katsoa ja kuunnella missä vain itselle sopivana ajankohtana.

Aloita oppiminen tänään ja ole askelen edellä huomenna!

Miksi jatkuvaan oppimiseen kannattaa panostaa ja miten se tukee koko organisaation kehitystä? Lue artikkeli: Jatkuva oppiminen avainasemassa – Kauppakamarin KoulutusOnline uudistuu.

Digital skills and AI
Teams Meetings. Course by: WebOpe by Wistec
In the Teams Meetings course, participants will explore the differences…
Digital skills and AI
Teams basics. Course by: WebOpe by Wistec
In the Teams Basics course, participants will learn how to…
Digital skills and AI
Power Point Basics. Course by: WebOpe by Wistec
In the PowerPoint Basics course, participants will learn how to…
Digital skills and AI
Social media marketing basics. Course by: WebOpe by Wistec
In the Social Media Marketing Basics course, participants will explore…
Digital skills and AI
Introduction to Cyber Security. Course by: WebOpe by Wistec.
In the Introduction to Cyber Security course, participants will explore…
Digital skills and AI
Outlook. Course by: WebOpe by Wistec
In the Outlook course, participants will learn key features of…
Digital skills and AI
Excel basics. Course by: WebOpe by Wistec
In the Excel Basics course, participants will cover topics such…
Digital skills and AI
Facebook marketing basics. Course by: WebOpe by Wistec
In the Facebook Marketing Basics course, participants will explore key…
Digital skills and AI
Excel Advanced. Course by: WebOpe by Wistec
In the Excel Advanced course, participants will cover a range…
Certificate courses
Understanding Personality Types at Work.
Diversity is an asset and a strength, once understood correctly.…
Certificate courses
View of Humanity.
Have you thought what type of behavior you appreciate? Why…
Certificate courses
The Basics of Time Management.
Time management is about getting things done. You cannot manage…
Certificate courses
Sleep Better in Five Weeks.
Sleep is the cornerstone of recovery! This tutorial focuses on…
Certificate courses
Succeed in Remote Leadership.
What makes remote leadership so special? How do you lead…
Certificate courses
Navigating Conflicts - Part 2.
Conflicts often appear in organizations in a completely incomprehensible form.…
Certificate courses
Navigating Conflicts - Part 1.
Conflicts often appear in organizations in a completely incomprehensible form.…
Certificate courses
Leader’s Future Skills: Leader’s Problem - solving Skills.
As a leader, you probably come across complex situations, conflicts,…
Certificate courses
Learning together – Team leader’s guide.
In this training, we will teach you how to best…
Certificate courses
Leader’s Future Skills: Leader’s Work Community Skills
How does your team work together? Positive work community skills…
Certificate courses
Leader’s Future Skills: Leader’s Coaching Approach
Do you help others to succeed? The goal of a…
Certificate courses
Improve Your Recovery Skills.
Our everyday working lives have changed, and therefore, we need…
Certificate courses
Improve Positivity.
How fast are you able to find something positive in…
Certificate courses
High Performing Team – Execution and Accomplishment
This is the third and final part of our three-part…
Certificate courses
High Performing Team – Common Practices
Work is done together. The quality of teamwork determines the…